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검색어 “PPP“ 으(로) KIND News에서 총 27건이 검색 되었습니다.

KIND News (총 27건)

Foundation Ceremony

지난 6월 27일, 여의도 콘래드 호텔에서 KIND의 설립 기념행사가 있었습니다.


국토교통부 장관님을 비롯한 많은 귀빈 여러분께서 이 자리에 참석해 주셨습니다.


개소식 후에는 "해외 PPP 시장의 현주소와 국내기업의 대응전략"이라는 주제로 세미나가 진행되었습니다.



KIND’s foundation ceremony was held in Conrad Hotel in Seoul on the 27th June, 2018.

Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and other distinguished guests attended the ceremony.


It was followed by a seminar on “Global PPP market trend and Korean companies’ strategies against the trend”.



2018. 07. 12

MOU with Global Infrastructure Hub


KIND entered into Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Global Infrastructure Hub (GI Hub) in KIND's office in Seoul, on the 19th September. The MOU was signed by KIND's president & CEO Mr. Kyong-goo Hur and GI Hub's COO, Mr. Mark Moseley.


Both organizations agreed to collaborate to support more efficient PPP (Public-Private Partnership) project development globally.



2018. 09. 19

MOU with Korea Environment Corporation (K-eco)

- KIND entered into Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Korea Environment Corporation (K-eco) in KIND's office in Seoul,

  on the 12th February. The MOU was signed by KIND's president & CEO, Mr. Hur and K-eco’s CEO, Mr Jang.


- Both organizations agreed to collaborate to support more efficient PPP (Public-Private Partnership) project development globally

  especially for environmental sector.




2020. 02. 14

DHAKA-MYMENSINGH HWY, Govt mulls turning 87km stretch into expressway

2020. 03. 26

KIND is ready to serve as a facilitator for efficient PPP projects implementation worldwide

2020. 05. 12

The 4th Korea-Bangladesh Joint PPP Platform Meeting

Korea-Bangladesh 4th Joint PPP Platform


  - Korea-Bangladesh Agreed to Develop G2G Based PPP Project for Transmission Lines Worth $700 Million


Date : March 2, 2022


Place : The Forum, Two IFC Building, Yeouido, Seoul, Korea



   - (Korea) Lee Kang-Hoon, CEO of KIND, Yun Seong-Won, Vice Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT), etc.
   - (Bangladesh) Sultana Afroz, the head of Public-Private Partnership Authority (PPPA), etc.


2022. 03. 24

KIND Holds a “Vision2030 Declaration Ceremony.”

Korea Overseas Infrastructure and Urban Development Corporation (KIND) held a "KIND Vision 2030 Declaration Ceremony" to announce KIND's new vision at IFC, The Forum in Yeouido on May 3.


The CEO of KIND, Kang Hoon Lee, and all executives and employees attended the ceremony to celebrate the declaration of KIND's new vision.


The event consisted of declaring Vision 2030, the oath of employee code of conduct, a PPP lecture, and a lecture on company culture. The PPP, lectured by Seok-Jae Seo, involved various Q&As and discussions under the theme of "Korea's Lead Developer, KIND."


"We need to renew our mindset and response posture to take a step forward under the new value system declared today," said the CEO of KIND, Kang Hoon Lee. Also, he said, "Let us create a future where our employees increase their values on the global stage with sound company culture and startup DNA.".



2022. 05. 04

KIND signed an MOU with KEC

Date: ’22.5.13. (Fri), 11:00


Location: Conference Room on the 50th floor of KIND


○ The MOU deals with the cooperation in operating a consultative body of KIND+KEC+Private sectors, finding and jointly participating in Brownfield projects, and implementing road PPP Masterplans for promising countries.



(KIND) CEO Kang Hoon Lee, Auditor Tae Soo Huh, Executive Vice President Sangwook Lee, Executive Vice President Han Kyu Lim, Infrastructure Project Development Department Jae-Wan Park and Yong-Hyun Lee

(Korea Expressway Corporation) CEO Jin-sook Kim, Head of Overseas Project Division Hyun-Seung Lee, Head of Overseas Project Planning Team Won-Tae Kim, Head of Overseas Project Development Team Bong-Kyung Kwon, Overseas Project Development Team Senior Manager Dae-Hoe Kim  



2022. 05. 13

KIND meets the Chief of Naval Staff of Bangladesh Navy

Date: ’22.6.27. (Mon), 17:00


Location: Conference room on the 50th floor of KIND


Introducing KIND and holding a meeting to explore cooperation of the main infrastructure of Bangladesh Navy. KIND introduced its own programs and G2G cooperation models. Bangladesh Navy introduced the Navy's shipyard business and planned to continue networking through the 5th Korea-Bangladesh Joint PPP Platform and the opening ceremony of Korea-Bangladesh Infrastructure Cooperation Center.



    (KIND) CEO Kang Hoon Lee, Executive Vice President Han Kyu Lim etc.

    (Bangladesh) Admiral M Shaheen Iqbal, Commander Mohammad Monjurul Hossain Khan etc..

    (Republic of Korea Navy) Naval Force Analysis, Test & Evaluation Group Rear Admiral (lower half) Tae Gyu Park etc.



2022. 06. 29

2022 “PPP Briefing Session” Held

○ Date: ’22.7.15. (Fri)


 Location: KFPA Building, Yeoido, Seoul


KIND held a PPP Briefing Session with MOLIT to promote Korean companies’ participation in overseas PPP projects.

The session consisted of 4 topics;

Topic 1. Understanding of PPP

Topic 2. Key Points of Vietnam and Mexico PPP Act

Topic 3. PPP-related Financial Support Systems

Topic 4. Case study: Norway RV 555 Road Project



(Host) MOLIT and KIND

(Presenter) Kim&Chang, K-EXIM, K-SURE, SK ecoplant

(Attendee) Industry officials from over 90 companies


2022. 07. 15

KBICC(Korea-Bangladesh Infrastructure Cooperation Center) Held its Grand Opening

Date: ’22.9.5. (Mon), 10:00 a.m.


Location: Sheraton Dhaka, Bangladesh


On September 5, with more than 100 people including Bangladesh key government officials, KIND held its grand opening of KBICC(Korea-Bangladesh Infrastructure Cooperation Center).



(Korea) CEO of KIND Kang Hoon Lee, Ambassador of Republic of Korea Jang-keun Lee, etc.

(Bangladesh) Secretary and CEO of PPPA Muhammad Ibrahim, Secretary of RHD Amin Ullah Nuri, Managing Director of CWASA A.K.M. Fazlullah, etc.


2022. 09. 05

Briefing for “PPP and Feasibility Study(F/S) Supports“ Held

○ Date: ’22.12.9. (Fri)


 Location: IFC Forum, Yeoido, Seoul


KIND held a second PPP briefing session of 2022 with MOLIT. The session consisted of 2 Parts;

Part 1. Korean companies’ Case Studies

- PPP’s Future Development Plans drew from Case Studies

- Karian Dam Project Case Study

Part 2. System and Law on F/S and ‘Proposal Preparation’ Support

  1. of Laws and Enforcement Ordinanaces related to a Relocation of Indonesian Capital


(Host) MOLIT and KIND

(Presenter) KIND and K-water

(Attendee) Industry officials from over 100 companies



2022. 12. 09

KIND greets Saudi Arabia NCP CEO

Date : '23. 3. 7. (Tue), 14:00 ~ 15:00


Location : KIND Meeting Room, Yeouido, Seoul


ㅇ Saudi Arabia NCP(National Center for Privatization & PPP) CEO Mohannad Basodan and his colleagues made visit to KIND to share projects soon-to-be released and discuss future cooperation.



 (KIND) CEO Kang Hoon Lee, Infrastructure Project Development Department Director Jun Seog Ko, etc.

 (NCP) CEO Mohannad Basodan, Vice President Hani Alsaigh, etc.


2023. 03. 07

KIND signed an MOU with PT Danareksa, Indonesia

Date : '23. 3.16. (Thu), 10:30


Location : Hotel Mulia, Jakarta, Indonesia


ㅇ MOU deals with information exchange on PPP projects, information provision on PPP, feasibility study and attraction of Korean investors, and cooperation in common areas of interest by promoting seminars, meetings, roadshows, etc.



 (Korea) Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Hee Ryong Won, CEO of KIND Kang Hoon Lee, etc.

 (Indonesia) Minister of PUPR(Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat) Basuki Hadimuljono, Investment Director of PT Danareksa Mr. Chris Sormijantoro, etc.



2023. 03. 16

2023 KIND 5th Anniversary Ceremony

Date : '23.6.8. (Thu)


Location : Yeouido LUNA MIELE


KIND has grown significantly over the past five years as Korea’s first public developer of overseas PPP investment and development projects. This commemorative event gathered leaders and experts from various industries to analyze the ripple effects of KIND’s overseas investment and development projects. The event was an excellent opportunity to explore new ideas and strategies to further develop KIND’s role as a global leader.



(Visitor) Lee Won-jae(Vice Minister for Land and Infrastructure), Kang Dae-sik(A member of Land Infrastructure and Transport Committee), Kim Byung-wook(A member of Land Infrastructure and Transport Committee), Diplomatic corps, Park Sun-ho(CEO of ICAK), etc.

(KIND) CEO Lee Kang-hoon and other KIND employees.



2023. 06. 08

Panama Delegation visited KIND HQ

□ Event Overview

 ㅇ Event name : Panama Delegation visited KIND HQ


 ㅇ Date : '23.8.23.(Wed) 09:00~10:00


 ㅇ Location : Conference Room, KIND HQ


 ㅇ Participants :

   (KIND) CEO Kang Hoon Lee, Executive Vice President Byung Chul Won, etc.

   (Panama) Minister of Private Investment Jose Alejandro Rojas Pardini, etc.


□ Key Points

 ㅇ Panama delegation made visit to KIND to share PPP projects information and explore potential cooperation.


2023. 08. 23

SME Partners Day

□ Event Overview

ㅇ Event name : SME Partners Day


ㅇ Date : '23.7.21.(Fri) 10:30


ㅇ Location : Conference Room, KIND HQ


ㅇ Participants : 

   (KIND) CEO Kang Hoon Lee, Executive Vice President Byung Chul Won, etc.

   (Panel) Stackholders from Korean overseas construction SMEs.

□ Key Points

ㅇ KIND hosted seminar with SMEs to share best practice for PPP projects and introduce F/S support programe.


2023. 07. 21

The 5th Korea-Bangladesh Joint PPP Platform Meeting

  ㅇ Date : '23.8.20.(Sun) 10:00~12:00

  ㅇ Location : Prime Minister's official residence of Bangladesh

  ㅇ Participants :

     (KOREA) CEO of KIND Kang Hoon Lee, Executive Vice President of KIND Byung Chul Won, Ambassador Young Sik Park, Deputy Director of MOLIT Sang Go Lee, etc.

     (Bangladesh) Principal Secretary Md. Tofazzel Hossain Miah, etc.


  ㅇ Key point

    - KIND have secured priority for BSMSN project in Bangladesh and discussed new PPP projects


2023. 08. 20

KIND held a National Assembly Debate on 'Current Status and Future Development Plans of PPP'

 ㅇ Date : 2023.11.14.(Tue) 13:30~16:00

 ㅇ Venue : Member's Office Building, Seminar Room 1

 ㅇ Participants :

   - (KIND) Executives

   - (Government) MOLIT

   - (Presentation) WOOSONG University, CERIK

   - (Chair and Panels) SNU, Executives of Samsung C&T, Hanwha Asset Management and ICAK, etc.

 ㅇ Key Points :

   - KIND held a National Assembly Debate and had presentations and a discussion on ways to encourage Korean companies to participate in overseas PPP projects.



2023. 11. 14

Managing Director of EBRD SIG visited KIND HQ


ㅇ Date : '23.9.6.(Wed) 10:00~11:00


ㅇ Location : Conference Room, KIND HQ


ㅇ Managing Director Nandita Parshad made visit to KIND to share current state of PPP with EBRD and discuss potential cooperation


ㅇ Participants :

   (KIND) Executive Vice President Sang Wook Lee, etc.

   (EBRD) Managing Director of EBRD Nandita Parshad, etc.


2023. 09. 06

MOU with Korean Society of PPP(KPPP)


MOU with Korean Society of PPP(KPPP)


 ㅇ Date : '23. 9. 25. (Mon), 11:00


 ㅇ Location : Conference Room, KIND HQ


 ㅇ The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) deals with the establishment of a business agreement aimed at revitalizing overseas infrastructure

    and urban development projects in which Korean companies are involved.


 ㅇ Participants

  - (KIND) CEO of KIND Kang Hoon Lee, etc.

  - (KPPP) President of society Hwang Bae Kim, Dr. Young In Kwon, etc.


2023. 09. 25

Seminar on PPP Revitalization, Supporting Program and ESG Projects


 ㅇ (Event) Seminar on PPP Revitalization, Supporting Program and ESG Projects


 ㅇ (Date/Venue) ’23. 12. 28. (Thu) 14:00~17:00 / Two IFC 3rd FL, The Forum


 ㅇ (Contents) ① Global PPP Trend and KIND's Performance in 2023, ② Case Study : Battery ESS Projects in the UK , Indonesia Batam Airport PPP, ③ Supporting Program of MOLIT, ④ ESG Projects


  * Co-hosted by Project Strategy Team, Feasibility Study & consulting Team and ESG·New Growth Industry TF


2023. 12. 18

MOU Signing Ceremony between Natixis CIB- KIND

MOU Signing Ceremony between Natixis CIB- KIND


Korea Overseas Infrastructure & Urban Development Corporation (KIND) and Natixis CIB, Hong Kong Branch have signed a strategic Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) on 4 March 2024 at the headquarter of KIND between the President and CEO of KIND Mr. Kang Hoon Lee and Natixis CIB APAC CEO Bruno Le Saint to strengthen and promote the strategic partnership between the two parties.


KIND and Natixis are looking forward to strengthening support and cooperation with each other with respect to financing and investing of global PPP projects including without limitation across transportation infrastructure, urban development, power, digital infrastructure, healthcare, energy, plant, water resources and environment projects. 


2024. 03. 04

Cambodia government officials visited KIND HQ

Cambodia government officials visited KIND HQ


ㅇ Date : ‘24. 3. 18. (Mon)


ㅇ Location : Conference Room, KIND HQ


ㅇ Participants

 - (KIND) CEO Kang Hoon Lee, Executive Vice President Byung Chul Won, etc

 - (Cambodia) Secretary General of Ministry of Economy and Finance, Secretary General of Ministry of Public Work and Transports, IFC, etc


 Cambodian government officials made visit to KIND to share current state of PPP project environments in Colombia, and discuss future cooperation.


2024. 03. 18

Kyrgyzstan Mayor Team visited KIND HQ

Kyrgyzstan Mayor Team visited KIND HQ


ㅇ Date : '24. 4. 30. (Tue)


ㅇ Location : Conference Room, KIND HQ


ㅇ Participants

-(KIND) Executive Vice President Byung Chul Won, Head of Project Strategy Team Youngmok Lee, etc

-(Kyrgyzstan) Vice Mayor Dzhunusbaev Sonunbek, Advisor of Ministry of Economy and commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic Mambekov Azamat, etc

-(SEJIN G&E) Chairman Kyoung Yeon Lee, etc


ㅇ Kyrgyzstan Mayor Team made visit to KIND to share current state of PPP project in Kyrgyzstan and discuss future cooperation


2024. 04. 30

MOU Signing Ceremony and Seminar with KACEM(Korea Association of Construction Engineering&Management

 ㅇ Date : '24. 6. 25. (Tue)

 ㅇ Location : Two IFC Hall 301

 ㅇ Participants

    -(KIND) CEO Kang Hoon Lee, Head of Infrastructure Development Department, etc

    -(KACEM) Chairman Myung Ki Song, Committee for Internationality etc

 ㅇ Key Contents

    KIND signed a Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) with KACEM for mutual cooperation and explained supporting program of KIND & PPP projects.


2024. 06. 25

MOU Signing Ceremony between Kookmin University and KIND

 ㅇ Date : '24. 5. 30(Thu)

 ㅇ Venue : Kookmin University

 ㅇ Participants

    - (Kookmin University) Seung Ryul Jeong / President

    - (KIND) Kang Hoon Lee / CEO

ㅇ Key Contents of MOU

    - KIND signed a Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) with Kookmin University for mutual cooperation to nurture talented individuals for global PPP projects.

    - The MOU encompasses comprehensive cooperation between the parties involved, including establishment of a global network for overseas infrastructure project 

      development and joint research.


2024. 05. 30

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