Water Sector PPP 프로젝트(6개)에 대한 LOI 제출 안내
ㅇ 대상사업
1. Bodri Dam PPP Project
2. Merangin Dam PPP Project
3. Ayung Regional Drinking Water Supply System PPP Project
4. Sinumbra Regional Drinking Water Supply System PPP Project
5. Denpasar Water Supply PPP Project
6. Karo Regional Water Supply PPP Project
ㅇ LoI 양식 : 첨부파일 참조
ㅇ LoI 제출 기한: 12.19로 부터 1주일 이내
*the submission of the Letter of Intent within the next 1 (one) week from the date of this email.
ㅇ LoI 제출처: psspp.djpi@pu.go.id