MOU with CAF
지난 6월 29일 KIND와 CAF (Corporación Andina de Fomento, 중남미 개발은행) 간 양해각서(MOU) 체결식이 있었습니다.
이날 행사는 허경구 KIND 사장과 루이스 까란사 우가르떼 CAF 총재가 서명하였으며, 김현미 국토부장관, 외교부 중남미 국장, 국토부 건설정책국장이 참석하였습니다.
양사는 MOU를 통해 KIND와 CAF 간 정보 교류 및 인프라 사업 기회 공동 발굴 등의 협력을 추진하기로 하였습니다
A signing ceremony for Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between KIND and CAF (Corporación Andina de Fomento) was held on the 29th of June, 2018
The MOU was signed by KIND president & CEO, Dr. Kyong-goo Hur and the executive president & CEO of CAF, Dr. Luis Carranza Ugarte. The ceremony attendees include Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, deputy director-general of Latin American and Caribbean Affairs Bureau, MOFA* and deputy director-general of Construction Policy Bureau, MOLIT**.
Both companies agreed to share infrastructure related information and cooperate for identification of infrastructure project development opportunities, moving forward.
* MOFA : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
** MOLIT : Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport