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L7 Chicago opening ceremony

481 2024-06-13

 ㅇ Date : '24. 6. 13. (Thu)

 ㅇ Venue : L7 chicago lobby

 ㅇ Participants

   -(KIND) CEO Kang hoon Lee, Senior manager Sangjin park

   -(Lotte) Lotte Group Vice Chairman Kim Sang-hyun, Lotte Holdings Vice President Noh Jun-hyung, Lotte Hotel CEO Kim Tae-hong, Lotte Holdings Executive Director Shin Yu-yeol, etc

   -(Consulate) Consul General Kim Jeong-han in Chicago, Vice Consul General Ji-in Ji, and Consul Kim In-soo

   -(Related to the U.S. goverment) Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias, Vice President of the Chicago Tourism Board Naomi Hattori, Chicago City Councilman Brendan Reilly, etc.

ㅇ Main contents: L7 Chicago official opening ceremony


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