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Kyrgyzstan Mayor Team visited KIND HQ

270 2024-04-30

Kyrgyzstan Mayor Team visited KIND HQ


ㅇ Date : '24. 4. 30. (Tue)


ㅇ Location : Conference Room, KIND HQ


ㅇ Participants

-(KIND) Executive Vice President Byung Chul Won, Head of Project Strategy Team Youngmok Lee, etc

-(Kyrgyzstan) Vice Mayor Dzhunusbaev Sonunbek, Advisor of Ministry of Economy and commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic Mambekov Azamat, etc

-(SEJIN G&E) Chairman Kyoung Yeon Lee, etc


ㅇ Kyrgyzstan Mayor Team made visit to KIND to share current state of PPP project in Kyrgyzstan and discuss future cooperation


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