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Chairperson of Limak visited KIND HQ

181 2024-03-27

ㅇ Date : '24. 3. 27. (Wed)


ㅇ Location : Meeting Room, KIND HQ

ㅇ Participants

   - (KIND) CEO of KIND Lee Kang-hoon, Executive Vice President Won Byungcheol etc.

   - (Limak) Chairperson Ebru Özdemir, Director Ebru Nur etc. 

   - (Canakkale SPV) CFO Murat Sarikaya etc.

   - (DL E&C, SKecoplant) Acting Vice President Kim Seokge, Director Baek Jonggeon etc.


ㅇ Chairperson of Limak from Turkiye visited to KIND to discuss additional project of Canakkale bridge and potential cooperation


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