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MOU Signing Ceremony between Natixis CIB- KIND

207 2024-03-04

MOU Signing Ceremony between Natixis CIB- KIND


Korea Overseas Infrastructure & Urban Development Corporation (KIND) and Natixis CIB, Hong Kong Branch have signed a strategic Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) on 4 March 2024 at the headquarter of KIND between the President and CEO of KIND Mr. Kang Hoon Lee and Natixis CIB APAC CEO Bruno Le Saint to strengthen and promote the strategic partnership between the two parties.


KIND and Natixis are looking forward to strengthening support and cooperation with each other with respect to financing and investing of global PPP projects including without limitation across transportation infrastructure, urban development, power, digital infrastructure, healthcare, energy, plant, water resources and environment projects. 


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