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Company Seminar on Reconstruction-Cooperation of Ukraine

141 2023-11-17


Company Seminar on Reconstruction-Cooperation of Ukraine


ㅇ Date : '23. 11. 17. (Fri)


ㅇ Location : International Conference Room (Korea Federation of Banks)

ㅇ Participants
  - (Ministry) MOLIT, MOF, etc.
  - (Public Company/Related Organizations) KIND, ICAK, KOICA, KAC, K-Water, KR, KEXIM, K-Sure, etc.

    ※ Including private sector, 235 people from 120 companies/institutions participated in 


ㅇ Contents

  - Introduction to post-war reconstruction cooperation trends and policies in Ukraine
  - Introduction to support policies such as finance and warranties

  - Sharing the achievements of the reconstruction cooperation of "One Team Korea" in Ukraine



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