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2023 KIND 5th Anniversary Ceremony

132 2023-06-08

Date : '23.6.8. (Thu)


Location : Yeouido LUNA MIELE


KIND has grown significantly over the past five years as Korea’s first public developer of overseas PPP investment and development projects. This commemorative event gathered leaders and experts from various industries to analyze the ripple effects of KIND’s overseas investment and development projects. The event was an excellent opportunity to explore new ideas and strategies to further develop KIND’s role as a global leader.



(Visitor) Lee Won-jae(Vice Minister for Land and Infrastructure), Kang Dae-sik(A member of Land Infrastructure and Transport Committee), Kim Byung-wook(A member of Land Infrastructure and Transport Committee), Diplomatic corps, Park Sun-ho(CEO of ICAK), etc.

(KIND) CEO Lee Kang-hoon and other KIND employees.



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