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Briefing for “PPP and Feasibility Study(F/S) Supports“ Held

174 2022-12-09

○ Date: ’22.12.9. (Fri)


 Location: IFC Forum, Yeoido, Seoul


KIND held a second PPP briefing session of 2022 with MOLIT. The session consisted of 2 Parts;

Part 1. Korean companies’ Case Studies

- PPP’s Future Development Plans drew from Case Studies

- Karian Dam Project Case Study

Part 2. System and Law on F/S and ‘Proposal Preparation’ Support

  1. of Laws and Enforcement Ordinanaces related to a Relocation of Indonesian Capital


(Host) MOLIT and KIND

(Presenter) KIND and K-water

(Attendee) Industry officials from over 100 companies



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