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The Strategic Projects Session on El Salvador 'Los Chorros' Project

867 2022-07-18

Date: ’22.6.30. (Thu) 9:00 ~ 11:00


Location: Lotte Hotel in Sogong-dong, Seoul


Introduction of the details of Los Chorros project* and the following Q&A


   *The Los Chorros project

   - features a total length of 14.64km and a total budget of $411 million

   - aims to promote private investment, export competitiveness, and economic growth by improving road safety and connectivity 

   - (networking) El Salvador Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Korean Council on Latin America & the Caribbean, CABEI, and major Korean construction companies



    (KIND) Executive Vice President Han Kyu Lim, etc.

    (Korean Construction Companies) Samsung C&T, Hyundai Engineering, Dohwa, etc.



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