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KIND signed an MOU with KEC

407 2022-05-13

Date: ’22.5.13. (Fri), 11:00


Location: Conference Room on the 50th floor of KIND


○ The MOU deals with the cooperation in operating a consultative body of KIND+KEC+Private sectors, finding and jointly participating in Brownfield projects, and implementing road PPP Masterplans for promising countries.



(KIND) CEO Kang Hoon Lee, Auditor Tae Soo Huh, Executive Vice President Sangwook Lee, Executive Vice President Han Kyu Lim, Infrastructure Project Development Department Jae-Wan Park and Yong-Hyun Lee

(Korea Expressway Corporation) CEO Jin-sook Kim, Head of Overseas Project Division Hyun-Seung Lee, Head of Overseas Project Planning Team Won-Tae Kim, Head of Overseas Project Development Team Bong-Kyung Kwon, Overseas Project Development Team Senior Manager Dae-Hoe Kim  



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