KIND Holds a “Vision2030 Declaration Ceremony.”
□ Korea Overseas Infrastructure and Urban Development Corporation (KIND) held a "KIND Vision 2030 Declaration Ceremony" to announce KIND's new vision at IFC, The Forum in Yeouido on May 3.
□ The CEO of KIND, Kang Hoon Lee, and all executives and employees attended the ceremony to celebrate the declaration of KIND's new vision.
□ The event consisted of declaring Vision 2030, the oath of employee code of conduct, a PPP lecture, and a lecture on company culture. The PPP, lectured by Seok-Jae Seo, involved various Q&As and discussions under the theme of "Korea's Lead Developer, KIND."
□ "We need to renew our mindset and response posture to take a step forward under the new value system declared today," said the CEO of KIND, Kang Hoon Lee. Also, he said, "Let us create a future where our employees increase their values on the global stage with sound company culture and startup DNA.".