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KIND Holds a “Vision2030 Declaration Ceremony.”

416 2022-05-04

Korea Overseas Infrastructure and Urban Development Corporation (KIND) held a "KIND Vision 2030 Declaration Ceremony" to announce KIND's new vision at IFC, The Forum in Yeouido on May 3.


The CEO of KIND, Kang Hoon Lee, and all executives and employees attended the ceremony to celebrate the declaration of KIND's new vision.


The event consisted of declaring Vision 2030, the oath of employee code of conduct, a PPP lecture, and a lecture on company culture. The PPP, lectured by Seok-Jae Seo, involved various Q&As and discussions under the theme of "Korea's Lead Developer, KIND."


"We need to renew our mindset and response posture to take a step forward under the new value system declared today," said the CEO of KIND, Kang Hoon Lee. Also, he said, "Let us create a future where our employees increase their values on the global stage with sound company culture and startup DNA.".



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