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KIND Leadership 2.0: the New CEO and the Auditor Have Been Successfully Inaugurated

264 2022-03-21

On 29 September, Kang Hoon Lee, former vice president of the Korea Expressway Corporation (KEC), took office as the new CEO of KIND, and Tae Soo Huh, former senior member of the National Assembly's Lnad, Infrastructure, and Transport Committee (LTC), became the new auditor of KIND.


In his inauguration speech, Mr. Lee asserted that he would do his best with KIND to support Korean companies in the field of overseas infrastructure projects based on his various overseas business experiences.


The new auditor, Mr. Huh emphasized that he as a part of KIND would strengthen the accountability of KIND as a public institution and improve organizational culture in response to social changes.


The 2nd KIND management team is ready to further innovate the overseas investment business development platform to improve KIND's financial condition while further solidifying its business identity through mid-to-long-term value system inspection and organizational restructuring suitable for the new post-COVID era.


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