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KIND-K-SURE-Icheon City-SK hynix MOU Signing Ceremony

81 2025-02-12

□ Event Overview

ㅇ Event name : KIND-K-SURE-Icheon City-SK hynix MOU Signing Ceremony

ㅇ Date : '24.12.27.(Fri)

ㅇ Location : Icheon City Hall

ㅇ Participants
   - (K-SURE) CEO Youngjin Jang, (Icheon City) Mayor Kyunghee Kim, (SK hynix) Vice President Jongil Kim
   - (KIND) CEO Bokhwan Kim, Head of Project Strategy Team Youngmok Lee, etc

□ Key Points
  - Stabilization of the semiconductor supply chain and promotion of exports through support for small and medium-sized semiconductor materials
    and equipment companies in Icheon City.


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