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Investment and Financial Support

Direct Investment

The investment burden of Korean companies is reduced and financial support is provided in the form of co-investment of equity, bonds, and funds for projects participated in by Korean companies.

Direct Investment Methods


Invest in SPC (Special Purpose Company) as shareholder


Subscribe to SPC’s corporate bonds as priority or posterior (mezzanine) creditor


Provision of equity investment or loan to an SPC through a project fund

Investment Structure

직접투자 구조

Direct Investment Approval Performance

Project Time Commitment Status
Kazakh Almaty Ring Road PPP '18.4Q $15.0M Operating
Chile Talca Solar PV Power Plant '18.4Q $6.5M Operating
Poland Polimery Police PDH/PP plant '19.3Q $57.0M Constructing
Nepal UT-1 Hydropower '20.2Q $55.1M Constructing
Chile Guadalupe Solar PV Power Plant '20.2Q $3.9M Operating
Vietnam Hung Yen Industrial Park '20.4Q $3.8M Constructing
Indonesia Probolingo Port '20.4Q $1.2M Constructing
Saudi Arabia Tanajib CHP Plant '21.2Q $17.0M Constructing
Vietnam Hanoi Social Housing '21.3Q $4.6M Working for financial closing
Pakistan Lower Spat Gah Hydropower '21.4Q $70.0M Working for financial closing
U.S.A. Chicago Hotel '21.4Q $11.6M Operating
Chile PMGD Portfolio Solar PV Power Plants (Equity·Fund Investment) '21.4Q $16.5M Operating
Indonesia Karian Water Treatment '21.4Q $5.5M Working for financial closing
Philippines Cebu Affordable Housing '22.1Q $10.2M Constructing
U.S.A. Trumbull Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant '22.2Q $75.1M Constructing
Malaysia Pengerang Energy Complex '22.4Q $25.0M Working for financial closing
UK Botley BESS '23.2Q $7.5M Constructing
U.S.A. Texas Solar PV Power Plant '23.3Q $17.5M Working for financial closing
Romania Small Modular Reactor (SMR) '23.4Q $30.0M Working for financial closing
U.S.A. Texas Runnels BESS (100㎿) (Equity·Loan Fund) '23.4Q $49.5M Working for financial closing
UK Widow Hill BESS (70㎿) (Equity·Loan Fund) '23.4Q $41.1M Constructing
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Residential Complex '24.1Q $14.3M Working for financial closing
Vietnam Starlake Complex '24.3Q $9.2M Working for financial closing
Turkey Nakkas-Basaksehir Motorway '24.3Q $32.8M Working for financial closing
Qatar Facility E IWPP '24.3Q $39.0M Working for financial closing
Japan Watari BESS '24.4Q $7.3M Working for financial closing
Japan Otaru BESS '24.4Q $14.9M Working for financial closing
Hungary Tatabanya Logistics Center '24.4Q $13.0M Working for financial closing
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City Ben Nghe Port '24.4Q $4.6M Working for financial closing
Total $658.7M