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About KIND

KIND is an organization established in June 2018 by the government of the Republic of Korea in accordance with the Overseas Construction Promotion Act enforced on the 25th of April 2018, to proactively support global Public-Private Partnership (PPP) business.

KIND supports Korean companies for project planning, feasibility studies, project information and project bankability. Through the activities KIND is aiming to contribute to life quality improvement and sustainable growth in the partner countries.

사업개요 메인 이미지


지분율 차트

(unit : billion won)

자본금 현황을 출자사, 출자금액으로 구분하여 표시합니다.
Korean Government 3,100 Korea Expressway Corporation 208
Korea Land & Housing (LH) 314 K-water 208
Construction Guarantee 300 Incheon International Airport Corporation 184
Korea Eximbank 280 Korea Airports Corporation (KAC) 102
Korean Railroad Corp.(KORAIL) 225 Korea National Railway 65