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Project Identification

K-City Network

The K-City Network project is a global cooperation program that provides customized services to overseas cities based on Korea's experience and knowledge in smart city development. This supports urban problem solution and economic development of partner countries, while providing opportunities for exporting and contracting smart city technology to Korean companies.\
KIND has been carrying out the planned establishment-type (smart city planning, smart solution planning) K-City Network by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport since 2020, wherein discovery and development of Korea-type smart cities are being supported as a package based on G2G cooperation.
Especially, we search for the overseas expansion of Korean companies through the Korea-type smart city global cooperation program by establishing a master plan (MP), performing a feasibility study, conducting overseas public worker invitation training, etc. according to overseas smart city development demands.

Types of K-City Networks

Category Smart City Planning Smart Solution Planning Overseas Demonstration-Type
Project Details
  • Smart city master plan and feasibility study by city
  • Deducing the optimal smart solution and suggesting business models for each stage
  • Solution-unit master plan and feasibility study (smart mobility, integrated control center, etc.)
  • Smart infrastructure and platform plan, suggesting the financing plan and business model
  • Smart solution demonstration support project to supply and expand Korea-type smart city solutions to cities overseas
Smart city master plan and feasibility study by city Greenfield, Brownfield Brownfield Brownfield
Main Applicants Overseas central and regional governments, international organizations Domestic companies and institutions with solutions, seeking to expand overseas
Main Applicants
Korea Overseas Infrastructure & Urban Development Corporation
Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement

Key procedures

주요절차 이미지
* You can see the details at the Smart City Korea’s portal(https://smartcity.go.kr/k-city-network).
Please contact us through e-mail if you have any questions.
- (Plan establishment-type) kcitynetwork@kindkorea.or.kr - (Overseas demonstration-type) kcitynetwork@kaia.re.kr

K-City Network Program Performance

Smart city development consulting and overseas demonstration support targeting overseas cities from 2020 to export smart city technology and establish a global network
* 2020-2024 : Completed 49 projects in 26 countries