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Project Identification

G2G Cooperation Platform

KIND discovers business opportunities where Korean companies can participate by establishing a cooperative relationship with the government of the counterpart nation, creating a Team Korea, and making business suggestions.
KIND also carry out joint cooperation projects by establishing a network with institutions and companies related to overseas infrastructure and urban development projects such as international financial institutions, export credit agencies, and global infrastructure companies.

Bangladesh Joint PPP Platform

  • In April 2019, KIND signed a business agreement with the Bangladesh Public-Private Partnership Agency (PPPA) as a representative of Korea, which enabled to promote projects through G2G cooperation without any competitive bidding process.
    방글라데시 플랫폼 순서 이미지
    방글라데시 플랫폼 순서 모바일 이미지
    방글라데시 플랫폼 상세 이미지

    2nd Joint PPP Platform meeting


    Dhaka-Mymensingh Highway project
    Dhaka circular railway project

    3rd Joint PPP Platform meeting


    Meghna Bridge construction and operation project

    4th Joint PPP Platform meeting


    Purbachal distribution line project

    5th Joint PPP Platform meeting


    BSMSN economic zone water supply