KIND소식_영문 상세보기
Trumbull Energy Center Groundbreaking Ceremony 2023-04-26

ㅇ Date : '23. 4.26. (Wed), 10:30~12:00 *US Eastern Time


ㅇ Location : Trumbull Energy Center project site (1871 Henn Parkway, Warren, OH 44481)


ㅇ KIND hosts Groundbreaking Ceremony of Trumbull Energy Center Project.

1.2 billion US dollars project successfully commenced with participation of multiple Korean companies as Team Korea.


ㅇ Participants

- (KIND) EVP Sangwook Lee, and others

- (KOSPO) President Seungwoo Lee, and others

- Consul General (Chicago) Junghan Kim, Mayor of Lordstown Arno Hill, and others

